



嘉禾艺林工艺美术品有限公司创建于 1996年,以“弘扬艺术,传播文化”为理念,在推介艺术家及其作品方面,运筹帷幄,独具慧眼。在代理名家名作同时,倾全力推介有实力的中青年艺术家及其作品,通过举办展览、出版作品集、网络推广、媒体介绍等方式,让一批实力派艺术家声名鹊起,享誉中外。





公司以“品位、质量、服务、效率”为宗旨服务广大客户。通过多年创新实践,因业绩辉煌而成为同行业的巨擘,有口皆碑 !

JiaHeYilin Arts and Crafts Co., Ltd. was founded in 1996 to "promote the art and culture of communication" for the idea of promoting artists and their works, the strategist, discerning. Agent of famous writers in the same time, out effort to promote strong young artists and their works, through exhibitions, publish books, web promotion, media description, etc., so that power to send a group of artists to fame, renowned Chinese and foreign.

Company combines creativity, design, production, construction as a whole, consists of sculpture workshop, painting workshop painting, arts and crafts department, engineering design, engineering and large-scale frame factory.

To gallery, the gallery for the window, to provide you with a variety of original works - sculpture, relief, Chinese painting, oil painting, embroidery, gift, masterpiece simulation, high-grade frame and so on. A variety of products can be customized according to your specific needs.

Indoor and outdoor decoration services companies have achieved a reputation. Works with government agencies, five-star hotel, clubhouse, villas and other indoor and outdoor home decoration. Art design department of professional designers have a good educational background, to the decorative arts of the application has the unique understanding and experience, from the project's design concept to the field investigation, formulating realistic design program and budget of the domestic and international customers during design, construction required to fully meet and successfully completed by the Beijing Pangu Plaza, Holiday Inn International Freemasonry, in the sea Building, Beijing Oakwood Hotel, Longwan villas, Ai Lifeng Social Golf Club, Beihang the only real hotel, hotels, and other units Tiens Sigma praise, widely praised by the industry.

Frame Factory is a design company, producing a break in the large manufacturing enterprises. All production equipment imported from abroad, an annual output of more than 200 million meters. In addition to producing a large number of high-grade box section to meet the foreign distributors, but also can be designed according to your special requirements processing, proofing of production.

The company "quality first, quality first, service first, efficiency first" for the purpose of service to our customers. Through years of innovation practice, due to become a brilliant performance with the industry giant, legendary!



  • 主营: 天津油画,北京手绘墙,北京油画
  • 地址: www.56artwork.com
  • 联系: 张先生
  • 手机: 15022602066
  • 电话: 022-81378792
  • 邮箱: tjyouhuawang@126.com
  • 本站共被浏览过 21024 次

